Effort and serenity

Effort and serenity September 28, 2013

Sitting around and worrying brings distress and apprehension. Getting up and doing something brings confidence and self-assurance. Things are rarely as bad as we imagine them to be, once we start to work on them. Honest effort will bring confidence and serenity in many ways. First, it brings the reassurance of knowing that something is being done to solve the problem or to make the most of the opportunity. Effort also brings results, and the peaceful satisfaction of knowing that something has been accomplished. Finally, effort brings experience, and the calm confidence of achievement.

Focus on what you can do, instead of what you can’t. Why waste time and create anxiety with something over which you have no control? Put your energy into the areas where you can have an effect. There is always something you can do, in any situation. So do it.

Have you ever worried about something long and hard, and then discovered your fears to be unfounded when you actually started to take action? That is how effort can bring serenity to your life. Idleness leads to tension and anxiety. Effort brings peaceful confidence and serenity.

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