Leading with Heart

Leading with Heart September 4, 2013

By John J. Murphy

There is no substitute for heart. It is the altar of Spirit, the center for inspiration. One cannot fake authentic courage. Where there is doubt, there is disbelief. One cannot pretend to be compassionate. These are qualities of the heart, not the mind. We use the mind to gather information, to analyze data and to draw intellectual conclusions. But it is from the heart that we build genuine relationships, bonds built with unconditional love, authentic joy, loyalty, trust and conviction. It is through the heart that we connect with the world around us, the people, by connecting at the level of the soul. With heart we foster commitment, not just agreement. With heart we defy the odds of logic and rationale. We experience true passion, fueling us beyond normal limits and building a sense of awe. With heart we take risks, forgiving ourselves and others for mistakes and miscalculations along the way. With heart, we go first, leading the way. There is no limit to the heart. Its energy is universal. Time and time again it empowers us to manifest purpose and vision into extraordinary results.

Pascal once wrote, “The heart has reasons that reasons know nothing of.” Perhaps this insightful statement helps us understand the nature of certain amazing discoveries, innovations, accomplishments and even miracles. One does not have to look far to read about, witness and experience the awesome power of heart. It is what makes the difference in the world today – as always. Look into any astonishing achievement and you will find someone leading with heart. Consider just for a moment the scientists, athletes, teachers, astronauts, healers, presidents, entrepreneurs, politicians, social workers and leaders of all kinds who have made such a difference in the world as we know it. In many cases, these passionate leaders were not popular at the time. Some were even imprisoned, persecuted by the mainstream and put to death. Others were criticized, judged and cast aside. But the leaders who made the greatest difference did it with heart. And with heart, there is no giving up. The heart has reasons that the mind knows nothing of.

From the book Leading with Passion: 10 Essentials for Inspiring Others. For more on this subject, visit www.venturemanagementconsultants.com

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