Hidden treasures

Hidden treasures November 26, 2013

What hidden treasures are you overlooking in your life? There is some kind of value in every corner of your world. Can you see it? Some of it you can see. Some of it you haven’t discovered yet. But there is more than enough value, more than enough abundance available to you right now, right in front of you, to enable you to reach for anything you desire.

Your job is to discover it, and to utilize it in your own unique way. Your job is to make use of it to create even greater value, to manifest that abundance into specific achievements, into things that resonate with your own values, with the dreams you treasure in your heart. Your job is to take that unformed, not-yet-expressed abundance that’s available to you, those valuable things that may not be available to anyone else, and make some good and meaningful use of it all. Take your hidden treasures and transform them into value all of life can value and appreciate.

What things do you know, what information do you have that you could make good and positive use of, that you’re not already using? What skills do you have that you could use to create something of great value for yourself and your world? What connections do you have with other people that you could utilize to do good in this world, to do something positive and useful? What things have always interested you? If something interests you and you’re passionate about it, then there’s a hidden treasure right there. It’s a hidden treasure that you can utilize to bring great things to life. Do it. Look for those hidden treasures. Open your eyes. Know that your life is filled with abundance. Make it your task to find that abundance and to manifest that abundance in all sorts of new and meaningful ways.

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