Empowered by the possibilities

Empowered by the possibilities February 3, 2014

Most of our limitations are limitations only because we’re aware of them. The impossible is routinely achieved by people who don’t know it’s impossible.

Certainly there are many intractable realities in your life, things that influence you but over which you have no control. However, those things become limitations only when you choose to see them as such.

Consider the natural and ubiquitous force of gravity. There are certainly plenty of situations in which gravity, which constantly pulls you toward the ground, can be considered a limitation. Gravity makes it difficult to lift and move heavy objects. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you always have to take gravity into consideration.

And yet, as much as it seems to impose limitations upon you, gravity is essential to your very existence. It is what holds you and your planet together. Just think — with no gravity, you’d have to tie down all of your furniture, food crumbs would migrate to every corner of your house, your computer’s mouse would wander off, and you’d never be able to fill your bathtub for a warm, relaxing soak.

For most of history, gravity prevented people from flying through the air. But was that a limitation imposed by gravity itself? No, it was nothing more than a lack of imagination. Eventually, people figured out how to fly through the air, and even into outer space, completely within the framework imposed by gravity.

Are your perceived limitations really limitations? Or are they limitations just because you think of them as such? Instead of focusing on what’s holding you back, choose to focus on where you want to go, and what you wish to do. Instead of being held back by the limitations, be empowered by the possibilities.

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