August 18, 2016

It’s been awhile since we did one of these. In today’s episode of “$*^! Jesus Says,” a woman comes to the synagogue to be healed. On the Sabbath. Here’s what (maybe, probably) went down. Jesus: So before we hear today’s text from the Prophet Jeremiah (man, that guy is a downer) I wanted to share this little story I heard the other day. It goes like this: a rabbi, a leper, and a Levite walk into a bar… Stooped Woman: Excuse me,... Read more

August 16, 2016

I kind of get it. Many people feel they have no voice in decisions that affect their lives; they’ve been left out of the economy, their values aren’t reflected in the systems in which they must function, and much of the surrounding culture feels utterly foreign to their familiar context. I try to feel empathy for those who have endured a steep, uphill climb for years with nothing to show for it. And I can appreciate the idea that voting... Read more

August 12, 2016

New life goal: write a book that gets the resounding endorsement of Anne Lamott. Of course, in my real life, this will probably never happen. But for Mark Yaconelli, it is happening. Because he’s Mark Yaconelli. And when your new book has the resounding endorsement of Anne Lamott on the cover–in print, even–then you probably don’t need a few paragraphs from a two bit blogger (me). But, “The Gift of Hard Things” is a Patheos Book Club choice this month, so a few paragraphs... Read more

August 5, 2016

Guest Post: by Jordan Blevins Bles The table is always expanding – making room for more people, and wider diversity. I like to think of it as revealing more of the table at which God sits. However, it is a long, slow reveal. Those of us who already have seats at the table tend to get in the way at times. We like to protect our table at the expense of joining God’s. I am a white, straight man. It... Read more

August 3, 2016

Hi, folks. I took a week or so away from blogging to finish my book, and now I’m taking a week away to spend with my family. Enjoy this guest post from my friend Annie Kratzsch, and look for more guest posts in the coming days. I’ll be back to writing around mid-August, and look forward to catching up with the world.  A few weeks ago, I was proselytized twice in three days. On a Thursday night, before I could get all the... Read more

July 22, 2016

I tried not to watch. I poured myself a glass of wine and cranked up Netflix on my laptop and tried to keep my heart rate in a normal, resting range. But with my husband watching in the next room, I kept hearing bits and pieces. Mostly the loud, hysterical “BOOs” that seemed to be the pervading sentiment of the evening. That’s pretty much the gist, I thought. Who needs to watch? I managed to stay away until “DID I JUST HEAR HIM... Read more

July 19, 2016

While everyone was busy watching the absurd 60-Minutes interview; while we laughed at the disastrous rolling out of his VP pick, and the subsequent rolling back of the dumbfounding logo (the memes tho…totally worth it); while we shook our heads at the Melania plagiarism fiasco and wondering Michelle should take it as a weird sort of compliment(?); something else was happening: Iowa Congressman Steve King made an overtly racist statement in a public forum; and exactly nothing happened.  Nothing. Crickets. No response, renouncement or... Read more

July 18, 2016

Sermon from Sunday, July 17;  Luke 10:38-42 The man said to the doctor, “I’m concerned my wife isn’t hearing well, and I can’t convince her to get it checked.” “Here’s what you do,” said the doctor. “Stand on the other side of the room and say something. If she doesn’t hear you, move a little closer and try again. Keep doing that until she responds, and then you’ll know how bad the problem really is.” So that night, the man... Read more

July 16, 2016

After Senator Chris Murphy led a 15-hour filibuster; and other lawmakers, led by Rep. John Lewis, staged a sit-in on the House floor; Congress finally allowed for a vote on measures that would, among other things, ban people on the terrorist watch list from buying guns. Conservative lawmakers voted the measure down. Though its failure to pass was predictable, the reason they gave was a bit of a head-scratcher. (Not that reason has much play in the conversation around gun control…) Their... Read more

July 11, 2016

Guest Post, by Bromleigh McCleneghan Last spring, I told the committee that hired me as the new associate pastor that I was writing a book about sex, both in the interest of full-disclosure and as a bit of self-defense. They couldn’t complain later if they didn’t complain initially, right? They didn’t complain. They are lovely. Though the congregation has taken to teasing me ever so slightly, especially as my book received its title (Good Christian Sex). Apparently it will receive a... Read more

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