Recapping significant events in China during 2016

Recapping significant events in China during 2016 January 10, 2017

English: xikai church, Tianjin, China. the chu...
Photo credit: Wikipedia

ChinaSource recently listed a number of things happening in China during 2016 that have an impact on the church.

While I won’t comment on each item, I think it’s worth putting out there for people who want to follow up and get more information. Brent Fulton writes,

Events over the past year suggest that what’s ahead may be anything but “business as usual:”

  • Tightening visa restrictions for foreign workers
  • New foreign NGO law severely limiting activities of overseas organizations in China
  • Heightened surveillance of all foreigners
  • Clampdown on Christian book publishing 
  • Ongoing cross removal campaign in Zhejiang province, with serious consequences for those who resist
  • Highly publicized show trials of Christian lawyers who sought to aid fellow believers and other disadvantaged groups in society
  • New draft regulations that would potentially limit Christian activity on the internet, forbid believers going abroad for conferences or to study, and target unregistered Christian gatherings.
  • Increased pressure on Christian university professors
  • Unofficial “house churches” in several parts of China forced to close

In fact, it may be argued that Christians serving in China are facing the most challenging environment in decades. These developments are not entirely unexpected, given the overall tightening that has characterized China since 2012. Nevertheless they do suggest that those serving in China need to seriously rethink their approach.

What would you add to this list?

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