Hannah’s Commitment | Mother’s Day Reading & Message

Hannah’s Commitment | Mother’s Day Reading & Message May 10, 2020

Hannah knew the importance of Samuel’s spiritual growth. From her song we hear her rejoice in the Lord, cry out that no one is holy like the Lord, there is no Rock like our God, proclaim that He raises us up, and He is our Judge and strength. – Crystal Ingle

Bob Revnell usually does our Reading on Sunday mornings.  As we talked this week, we thought it would be good to ask my wife Crystal to share a Reading.  I’m preaching about Hannah, however I did not know how to include the beautiful song Hannah writes.  Crystal agreed to read for us.  So it seemed good to us to draw from Hannah’s Song, or the Canticle of Anna.

Crystal Ingle | Reading
Hannah’s Song or Canticle of Anna

Pastor Jared | Hannah’s Commitment
FREE sermon notes

Mother’s Day Note!


Crystal Ingle | Reading

Happy Mother’s Day to you whether you are a mom, mama, mommy, mother, aunt, grandma, foster mom, adoptive mom, step mom, spiritual mom; whether you had a great relationship with your own mother or a strained one. 

Today, all women are celebrated and loved for their deep care and concern for others. 

Last week we briefly mentioned the importance of praise in Psalm 150.

To see that Recitation & Message CLICK HERE

Hannah’s Commitment
Mother’s Day Reading & Message

This week’s prayer, the song of Hannah’s is also a praise.  It is not praise for the gift that she desperately prayed for, but a praise to the Gracious Giver of that gift.  She also returned that long awaited gift back to God for His service after weaning him, and we all know Samuel was a wonderful gift to the people of God.

Hannah’s Song or Canticle of Anna

1 Samuel 2:1-10

Hannah knew the importance of Samuel’s spiritual growth.  From her song we hear her rejoice in the Lord, cry out that no one is holy like the Lord, there is no Rock like our God, proclaim that He raises us up, and He is our Judge and strength.  Hannah taught these truths to Samuel while still a babe.

There is strong research today that says we need anywhere from 15-25 adults to take interest in our spiritual life as children and young adults.  Are you one of those adults to the children you see?  You may not have children, but you see them at family gatherings, at your place of worship, and even at the store.

As Hannah taught Samuel and sent him to the Tabernacle to grow and serve the Lord, may you take time to invest in an infant, adolescent, teen or young adult by listening to their heart and quietly helping guide them on the path of truth.

God of all creation and all creatures, be praised!

Thank You for creating women with the tenderness to care for others which is an attribute we have received from You.

Teach us, both men and women alike, to listen to those younger than us, not so that we may correct them, but that we may hear what they are learning about You in the guise of beauty and truth.

May we be attentive listeners, a safe place, and gentle guides.  In the Name of our listening Lord, our Guide the Holy Spirit, and the God of truth and beauty we pray. Amen

Pastor Jared | Hannah’s Commitment

I’m offering my sermon notes FREE this week for Hannah’s Commitment.

To view or download my notes CLICK HERE

Mother’s Day Note!

Candice Palmer | Ingle5 in the Blue Ridge Mountains | 01.01.20

We will be celebrating our 25th anniversary this June 3rd.  We’re raising 3 sons who have devoted themselves to God, to family, and to friends.  We’re proud of them, as we’re sure that you’re proud of your family.

We pray that you, as well as your friends and family, are enjoying Mother’s Day!

Everybody misses meeting together during this season.  We eagerly look forward to the day when we can once again answer the call to worship and gather with you in our Lord’s courts.

Peace be unto your home!

Pastor Jared & Crystal Ingle


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