Jesus is Transgender
Less than a hundred feet from residences, local authorities discovered the murdered and badly decomposed body of a transgender woman of color. The Dallas Police Department put out a detailed description of the body and asked for help. For weeks, no one had seemed to know who this woman was. Finally, when the woman was identified as 22-year-old Ms. Shade Schuler, I realized she’d been forgotten. Nobody seemed to care that a crime of hate had struck her down.
In the twilight of that August 2015 evening, the heat was excruciating. With every breath, I sweated through my shirt. The jokes of children filled the air. I laughed too. When we stepped onto the hidden gravel road, things got real. I knew we were on holy ground. No one spoke much. Everyone just seemed to be concentrating on the next step. The smell lingered. The heat didn’t stop. I worried that the bread and chalice would slip out of my hands. The screech startled me. Perhaps, the bird was warning us that we were nearing the point of no return. I assumed it was an old fire pit. When I saw the black spot was in the shape of a body, I knew better.
This Is My Body
Rev. Carmarion Anderson-Harvey* and I led the group in a variety of prayers and then lifted up the elements to the heavens. “This is my body.” “This is my blood.” The presence of God was unmistakable. It was electric. We remembered the oppression that Schuler faced in life, the horrific way she died and the beautiful resurrection in Christ that we knew she’d experienced in death. As each of us bent down to touch the spot, everything seemed to stop and Jesus softly whispered, “What you have done to the least of these you have done to me…” Looking at that empty spot on the ground, I believed the words as much as I ever had.
The inaugural address of President Donald Trump was certainly not short on bluster. But, one moment in particular stood out to me, “As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.”* In addition to these words, Trump has immediately signed numerous executive orders targeting the Transgender community that will have detrimental effect on everything from passports to the military to prisons to countless other juxtapositions.*
You Have Done To Me
I couldn’t help but think about Ms. Shade Schuler. Reckless statements of erasure only give permission for oppression. Undoubtedly, there was someone who told Schuler’s murderer similar things. Indeed, the actions of the Schuler’s murderer and Trump’s executive actions of metaphorical murder today are not all that different, they both seek to disenfranchise and destroy.
Jesus said, “What you have done to the least of these you have done to me.” Those who are oppressed, marginalized, put down and left out are the least of these Christ spoke of. Today, based on both statements and actions, President Trump has left no doubt that the Transgender community is now at the epicenter of abuse. Jesus is incarnate in the least of these. So, from this moment forth, let there be no doubt, Jesus is Transgender.
*a Trans woman who presently serves as the Alabama State Director with the Human Rights Campaign