Mid-Easter Evangelization: Time for an Egg Hunt!

Mid-Easter Evangelization: Time for an Egg Hunt! April 29, 2014

At New Evangelizers, I explain why now is the perfect time for an Easter Egg hunt, deadline: Pentecost.  Easter Friday — that’s the solemnity that falls a week after Good Friday — we drove to a park across town to meet friends for egg hunt that actually happened during Easter:

I try not to be insufferable about it. If this or that friend desperately wants my child to go hunt eggs mid-Lent, I don’t throw a temper-tantrum. I’ll suspend disbelief if it’s so very important to you.  But even my children now know that it’s just plain weird to hunt eggs on Good Friday.

Why fight the tide and try to match up our lives with the liturgical year?

The goal is to align our body, heart, mind, and soul.

During a season of preparation, we prepare. During a season of penance, we repent. During a season of feasting, we feast.

Humans are created to live in time.  We grow and change and work out our salvation minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

What to do if you ate all the Peeps on Palm Sunday . . . is it too late for you?  Are you unredeemable? I say not:

If you’re off-kilter spiritually, get yourself back on track by making your physical life match the liturgical year. Put some flowers on the table.  Get a nice coffee cake to serve with breakfast this Sunday.  Put on the bunny ears if it helps you.  If you aren’t already doing so, consider lining up your prayer life with the liturgical year by reading the daily Mass readings, or following along with one of the hours of the divine office.

And all this isn’t just good for you, it’s good for evangelization.  Read the whole thing here.

Related: Fr. V tells his egg-dying story over at Adam’s Ale.  If you don’t already subscribe to AA, you really must.

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