Cana Mystery Winner is . . . . Manny!

Cana Mystery Winner is . . . . Manny! June 12, 2014

Congratulations, Manny, who went the extra mile to join the Patheos drawing after Disqus died.  I added him and the other readers who contacted me and asked to be drawn, and did the random-number drawing from the whole combined list.  Why, oh, why, did the combox break on only the post that I needed a working combox for?  I dunno.

Manny, e-mail me at and I’ll put you in touch with the publisher.

Might I remind you, good sports, that the Catholic Book Blogger does giveaways every week?  Bunches of really good books going in the queue there, it’s all I can do to sit on my hands and not enter.  If you haven’t already subscribed, do so!

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