Why I Love Facebook Ads

Why I Love Facebook Ads May 13, 2015

I was clicking through Facebook this morning and of course there were lunch boxes everywhere.  Certain children of mine have been campaigning for shiny new lunch boxes and leaving up browser tabs full of end-of-season clearance choices so that I’m sure to stumble across the good deals.  Facebook knows.

Facebook knows when I buy shoes, and gamely suggests I buy another pair just like the ones I bought.  Facebook knows when I am in the market for a new pair of jeans, or a new piece of plumbing.  (That’s actual plumbing. From the hardware store.  Thank you for asking.)

If I want to fill my social-media world with beautiful things, all I need to do is browse the right websites before I login to catch up with my friends.

In other words: Facebook is my spy.

Thanks, Facebook!  Keep up the good work! You’re better than an annoying younger sibling!

Um, don’t be an idiot.  Of course I’m not relying on social media to do my parenting for me.  I’m just enjoying the perks, thanks.

File:Händkakk 2014.JPG


Artwork: By Ireen Trummer (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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