I had a chance earlier this fall to preview Return by Brandon Vogt. I haven’t seen the video series (information here) but I did read the pre-release version of the book cover to cover. It’s about what to do if you have a child who’s left the Catholic faith, and it is extraordinarily good. Not a project I’m involved with personally in any way, other than that I did a happy dance just reading the table of contents on my review copy. The book delivered on its promise.
Here’s the endorsement I wrote for it:
Return is a must-read for any Catholic serious about evangelization. This book isn’t just for parents who have a child who’s left the faith, but also for those of us who are concerned about keeping our kids Catholic as teens and young adults, and for all the volunteers and staff who work to make their parish a place runaway Catholics can come home to.
Brandon Vogt covers the entire process of helping a loved one discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic faith, from first panicked prayer to the sometimes-messy logistics of settling into parish life. This is the 101 on Evangelization, drawing on the expertise of today’s top Catholic home-field missionaries. Return is a straightforward, readable, realistic handbook ordinary Catholics can use in any situation at home, work, or in parish ministry.
Anyone who cares about the future of the Catholic Church should read this book. When you’re tired of all the hand-wringing and helpless whining about the crisis in the Church today, Return by Brandon Vogt is the book you read when you are ready to get to work.
Check it out. Highly recommended. If your kids haven’t left the faith yet, read it anyway.