A Come-as-you-are Church

A Come-as-you-are Church July 15, 2005

Another “emerging” type book crossed my desk and I want to be an advocate for much of what he says.

But first, a clarification: Emergent describes the offical organization of Emergent Village and now coordinated by Tony Jones. Emerging describes the many and varied larger and broader sorts of Christian work going on throughout the entire world. (There is an Emergent – UK.) I have been guilty of equating these two so often that I want to apologize to Emergent for my lack of precision. Most of the time, I admit, I am speaking about Emerging when I say Emergent. But, what appeals to me (as you have guessed) is the theological and philosophical conversation in Emergent.

Now, a book that I’d like to recommend that seems to be part of the Emerging movement is John Burke, No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come as you are Culture in the Church.

Burke is pastor at Gateway Community Church, and the church sounds like a fascinating Jesus-like place. The concern for Burke is creating a culture of authenticity, and that means issues with trust, tolerance, truth and all working with broken and alone persons. I’m finding it very good (except he, too, needs to read my posts on Pharisees for he uses them as stereotypes, the way Darth Vader looks in those movies).

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