Minnehaha Retreat

Minnehaha Retreat August 24, 2005

Yesterday I was invited to speak at an all-day Faculty Retreat for Minnehaha Academy in Minneapolis. The school has about 1200 students (K-12), and the Faculty represent a wide spectrum of the Church — many, of course, from the Evangelical Covenant Church. Over the years at North Park I’ve had many students who went to school there; some of our students are now teachers there.

We spent the morning working on ideas connected to the Jesus Creed, and in the afternoon at themes that will come out in Embracing Grace. The entire Faculty read the Jesus Creed this summer, so it was nice to hear some of their comments. John Engstrom, the President, is a quality person with a solid vision, and Dean Erickson and I chatted a couple of times. Nancy Cripes directed the day, and she was delightful to work with. I met many more and could say more, but I’ll avoid a “blog roll” of a stellar group of Christians.

In the morning we looked at the Jesus Creed in James (“My Brother’s [Creed] Keeper”), at John (“The Old Man and the Creed”), and at Paul (“How to Talk to a Gentile [if you must]”). Clever, don’t you think?

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