Blogs of the Week

Blogs of the Week September 17, 2005

I’m trying to get through my entire blogroll each week, but the book on prayer has kept me so busy I’ve not visited them all. Kris reads perhaps even more than I do, but I’ve found the following blogs this week to be especially interesting or provocative or courageous.

1. Sherman Kuek’s exploration of faith as relational (at Steve Bush’s ThinkTank). You can link to Sherman’s site and find this lengthy series on the Way of Jesus. Good insights.
2. Bob Robinson’s posts about postmodernity.
3. Brother Maynard’s post that took off on my own post on fountain pens to become hymnic.
4. Steve McCoy taking on the SBC and legalism.
5. Ryan Bolger’s observations about the emerging distinctives.
6. Jim Martin’s glowing report about why he likes to pastor.
7. Mark Roberts series on the Jesus Seminar.

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