Blogs of the Week

Blogs of the Week October 15, 2005

Maybe one of the best weeks ever for me in reading other blogs. (It didn’t hurt that I got my book on prayer done and feel less pressured to keep grinding away.)

1. I want to suggest you look at Karen Spears Zacharias blogsite. She is the author of Hero Mama, which is featured a bit in Embracing Grace. She is an author who tells the story of surviving in a family decimated when her father was killed in Vietnam. She is an advocate for family victims of war. Her blog is full of story-telling. This one especially, called collateral damage.
2. Jim Martin’s 10 characteristics of a gracious person and reasons to have fun in life.
3. Jamie Arpin-Ricci’s story of his journey and how his life has anticipated the emerging movement. Part two.
4. My son, Lukas, has put up some pretty nice blogs, but I really like the images he’s able to post in this one: The Warrior-King. And his new blog on “the (missed) call” at the White Sox game is worth reading — esp because he was a catcher himself.
5. Perhaps the most useful thing I’ve seen is the biblical curse generator (HT: Dave Anderson). You got an enemy? Now you’ve got something to say to them when your guards are down.
6. Lightning and Sara’s posts about making room(s) for prayer.

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