Update on Bob Robinson

Update on Bob Robinson February 10, 2006

Got this tonight from Matt Robinson: I did see Bob at 4:30 and the oxygen was down to 75% (Good sign.) A few people have said he has opened his eyes while they were in the room with him. As Wendy says below, I understand that the up and down of the recovery is to be expected. Thanks for all who are praying!

(From Wendy)
Hello, all. Thank you for your prayers. Today is Thursday, Feb. 9. I just talked to Linda around 4:15. The situation is basically the same — Bob’s oxygen levels fluctuate and sometimes drop so they have to keep him on the ventilator (now back up to 100 percent oxygen) until his lungs begin to function properly. He is beginning to waken some and they have to re-medicate him because they need him totally sedated so the machines can work for him now and he can heal. It is a good sign that he wakens as quickly as he does (partially wakens, I should say) — that shows good neurological activity. This lengthy recovery is to be expected considering the seriousness of his surgery.
Please continue in your prayers for them all. We know God is in control and He is good and we can trust Him always. Thank you for your friendship and concern. I know Linda appreciates your e-mails. It is difficult for her to find time to reply right now and she wants to have time with the kids when she is home. But knowing that you care and are in prayer means so much.

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