Bob Robinson 2.15.06

Bob Robinson 2.15.06 February 15, 2006

Wednesday afternoon Update: Please pray for Bob, Linda and the kids.

Today is Wednesday, Feb. 15. Linda Robinson just gave this update on Bob’s condition:
Bob’s oxygen levels are very low again so they had to increase all the machines. Every time he wakes a little his stats drop, so they have increased the sedation as well. It’s very hard to watch..I knows he’s trying to wake up but can’t and then he gets frustrated and his oxygen drops…Please pray they will change something to help him…his levels are actually lower than the whole time he’s been in. Hopefully I’ll talk to the doctor again today. At this point, they are planning to put in the trach first thing in the morning. This will still provide him oxygen, only through his neck into his windpipe, rather than through his mouth with the vent tube. We’ve been hoping they could take him off the vent and wake him up to breathe on his own.
Last night’s update:
Linda just sent me this update (Tuesday Evening): Well, not today…his oxygen levels were too low again so the Dr. is waiting again. He’s dropped quite a bit from the weekend, which isn’t good. They may have to do the trach after all. Not quite the day we’d hoped for. Thanks again.
(the message below is from Wendy:)
“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”
“I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me.” Psalm 57:1-2
Thank you for interceding for the Robinson family.

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