Blogs of the Week

Blogs of the Week February 18, 2006

This justified rant by TSK is exactly what a rant out to be. Top of the list for me. And, finally, a missionally-shaped, emerging-focused, technologically-alert, monastically-inspired, internationally-influenced Christian who will read academically-oriented bloggers.

Will there be a place for youth ministers in emerging churches? Bolger says no. What do you think?
Readers will know I really liked Karen Spears Zacharias’ fine book Hero Mama and the ministry she’s established of helping those who lose loved ones in war. Well, they’ve given her book a new cover and title and it is very nice — hope you find time to read it.
1. Here’s a good blog that is really an aggregator/conversation: Boar’s Head Tavern. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it here, and I deserve to be rebuked for that.
2. If you know what Andrew Jones and the link to those who are criticizing his use of “tags,” then you are an official blogger: “Not a clue” was what went through my head. Check out his later SBC/IMB post the next one up — maybe a good case for blogging.
3. Misquoting the Bible has reached a new low — though it has been corrected. Justin Taylor called our attention to it (the church site originally had a quotation from Satan from the Temptation of Jesus).
4. Family photos — and with patience you will find Luke and me (I’m the one reading).
5. I don’t know poetry, but I like this one by John Frye: The Stones Cry Out! Reminds of a song by Michael Card on forgiving eyes. In John’s poem, I like the “making a memorial” expression.
6. The Case for Lee Strobel. Lee’s up and running with a web site, where he advertises a DVD he and Garry Poole put together and in which I got to participate, and says he’s thinking of developing a blogsite. Go for it!
7. Are you a post-charismatic? Here’s a site discussing the trend.
8. Steve McCoy’s reviewed Mark Driscoll’s forthcoming book.
Mortality Test: see how many points for you. I put this here because I did well (3 pts).

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