Good news about Bob Robinson

Good news about Bob Robinson February 28, 2006

2/28 update on Bob Robinson, and a call to prayer and fasting:

Linda Robinson reports that the ICU nurses had Bob sitting up in a chair this morning! He was calm, alert, non-verbally responsive, and showed various emotions (happy to see people, sad about his current state, etc.). Two good bowel movements show that his digestive system seems to be working well again. He kept trying to speak, but because of the respirator he can’t do so. He was also trying to write, but couldn’t hold the pen tightly enough because of swelling and all the needles and tubes attached. He could understand that Linda was only permitted to stay for a certain amount of time, and was watching the clock–he clearly didn’t want her to leave. All of this is very encouraging!
Yesterday we had decided to set Friday, March 3, aside as a CCO day of prayer and fasting for Bob. This good news only makes us more committed to coming before the Lord to thank Him for this progress in Bob’s condition and to implore God for a full recovery for Bob. If you are willing and able, please consider skipping a meal or two and/or setting aside time to pray especially for Bob. Here in the CCO office, we’ve scheduled three optional prayer meetings in the conference room:
9:00 to 9:30 AM
12:00 to 12:30 PM
3:30 to 4:00 PM
You may want to schedule some time individually or with others to pray for Bob on Friday. Keep him in prayer at other times, too!
Herb Kolbe

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