J. Frye’s Jesus the Pastor 6

J. Frye’s Jesus the Pastor 6 June 16, 2006

When I opened J. Frye’s Jesus the Pastor Wednesday evening for the next reading, I sighed because it was about “spiritual disciplines.” I remember the days when no one, and I mean no one I knew of, had ever heard such language. Then Richard Foster wrote his major book, Celebration of Discipline, and poof! everyone knew what they were and thought they were the next best thing for the Christian life. Everyone seems to have a theory of the spiritual disciplines. Well, John surprised me. This chp has insights and perspective of use to each of us.

First, John and I had similar pasts. Neither of us were reared in a tradition that knew the spiritual disciplines. So we learned them through Foster.
Second, John has a very good story about meditating on a crucifix and helping Kurt to do the same.
Third, definition: a spiritual discipline is creating space for God to be at work in and through us so we can be like Christ. And he has a nice section illustrating the disciplines through the life of Jesus.
Fourth, John thinks solitude and listening prayer are very important for pastors.
Fifth, the spiritual disciplines create for each of us freedom in worship.

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