Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings June 24, 2006

A young pastor’s rant before another Christian is followed by an open and frank and exemplary confession: Purple Pastor, thanks.

For those who use a lectionary at all, this site by Bruce Sweet is worth looking at. It provides social justice commentary for each lectionary reading. I’ve been able only to dip into it.
Summer is time for denominations to have annual meetings; which means debates; which means depressing news about how Christians can’t find common ground. See Michael Kruse. I’ll avoid the SBC’s debate about alcohol, but what is the scoop on the PCUSA and the Trinity? and the sexual fidelity issues decided at the local level? Mark Roberts is working through the issues with his customary fairness and biblical rigor.
But, I’m encouraged by David Fitch’s excellent suggestions to Brian McLaren’s previous post. And the Jazz Theologian’s early morning yearnings for unity.
Father’s Day for Veterans. See the pictures at Karen’s Sit and Spit.
One of the best posts I’ve ever read; the comments are also sometimes quite good. Andrew Perriman on “Am I sure that I’m saved?”
In the event you are wondering if you are postmodern, this article on jewelry from millennia ago says evidence proves they were not only biologically but also culturally and cognitively modern. That makes us postmodern. Case over.
Speaking of postmodern and Emergent, Doug Pagitt announces his next book project: The Emergent Manifesto.
Biblical Carnival seeks nominations for blogs about Bible and for separate posts.
1. We’ve been watching some birds, too, but we’ve not seen anything quite this old. We’ve seen some baby Eastern Bluebird with some protective moms and dads; Killdeer; Northern Oriole; Kingbird, etc. But this ancient Grebe finds its only rival when we see the Great Blue Heron. (The Grebes we spot in the Spring are all up North by now.)
2. Dale, at Trinities, has a new blog up on the doctrine of the Trinity. Stop by for a visit if you have time.
3. Already time for the pollsters to start chatting about who we would not vote for and who we would vote for: Senator Clinton gets the most attention here. I’m voting for Stan Hauerwas, just so I could tune in for the daily clips of what he’d say to the media.
4. I thought the Hurricane was a boxer.
5. If you’ve got some time, Michael Spencer’s exploration (iMonk) of his father’s depression and what he’s learned from it is worth reading.
6. What’s on your church sign? Check Adam Cleaveland‘s post on a sign he found. No, I don’t think Adam was being unkind; yes, Bro. Jonathan’s our brother. Yes, that’s a way of cutting to the chase of how you see things. No, that’s not how to put grace up front.
7. For those of you who read novels, here’s a new one to consider by Lisa Sampson.
8. By the time Bob Robinson’s done at Vanguard, he’ll have a little book in his computer: on kingdom, atonement, and the gospel. He’s about done, and it is a very good series.
9. Drew Moser posts a rapid history of the father image on TV. My father was more like Ward Cleaver, and I supposed I was somewhere closer to Bill Cosby, though I’ve had other moments, too.
10. A new argument against tattoos.
11. Mike at Eternal Perspective has a 3-part series on the mission of the Church that is worth reading.
I hate to bring this up at the end, but there is a good review by Seyoon Kim of Tom Wright’s newest book on Paul.
And Kevin Cawley has a nice review, with some good comments, of Mark Driscoll’s Confessions. (HT: Steve McCoy)
This just in: John Wesley is now an official Chicago White Sox player. Talk about coming out of retirement. Some will be surprised to hear John Wesley was right-handed. I’d have thought he was a lefty. Crafty.

June 20, 2006 – Sioux Falls, SD – The Sioux Falls Canaries are proud to announce that right-handed closer John Wesley had his contract sold to the Chicago White Sox. Wesley will report to Single A Kannapolis of the South Atlantic League. Wesley, 25, was having a terrific 2006 season with Sioux Falls. He was 0-0 with an ERA of 1.42 and six saves. Wesley had collected 15 strikeouts in 12 2/3 innings pitched and opponents were only hitting .163 against him. In 2005 with the Canaries, John was 5-5 with an ERA of 3.74 and two saves. He had 52 strikeouts in 55 innings pitched. Wesley was signed as a nondrafted free agent by the Toronto Blue Jays in June of 2002. He had spent three seasons in the Blue Jays organization playing in Medicine Hat, Charleston, WV, and Auburn.

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