Every church must have this…

Every church must have this… October 20, 2006

William Mounce, Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (MED). For decades the lay person has been given Vine’s dictionary in order to see an overview of the meaning of words, but Mounce has raised the level: this study is based on the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words but with easy access through English.

Here are some features:
First, MED has a nice little introduction to how to do word studies.
Second, MED is effective with any number of English translations, but it introduces the reader to the original language terms with ample references.
Third, MED is keyed to both Goodrick/Kohlenberger and to Strong’s.
Fourth, MED lists all Greek words that occur ten times or more, all Hebrew words that occur fifty times or more, and then also other exegetically significant words.

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