My friends

My friends November 17, 2006

The psalmist declares his friends: “your decrees (edah) are my delight (shashua), my intimate companions (enosh etsah) — my friends who counsel me” (119:24).

Again, the psalmist speaks from experience: his friends are the words of God; they are the ones who accompany him everywhere he goes; they are the ones who are whispering in his ears about what to do; they are the ones to whom he listens.
Doesn’t take much imagination here: if you know someone well, you know how they think and what they would say in each experience in life. That, for the psalmist, is what God’s decrees/God’s words are like: they are his best friends, his most loyal counselors, his steady companions.
When his opponents sought counsel with one another, he sought counsel with the decrees of God.
If you’ve ever heard Fernando Ortega’s song about traveling the roads of New Mexico, he speaks of his friends as the columbine and the streams and the stars. Always with him. They lead him home. Don’t know the name of the song; but I like it.

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