Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings November 25, 2006

I’m not speaking this week, but I’ll be at Emmaus Community on December 10th, and then at an Emergent cohort (Up/rooted) on December 11th, in Park Ridge. Details can be found here.

Good site to add to your links: Joel Garver at Sacra Doctrina.
The new, cool blog of the week: Phil Shepherd at Drive Thru Society.
Very serious paper on missions and world religions. (HT: Matt Stone)
Not only “wise counsel” but also timely: Phil Monroe’s worth reading friends.
Karen’s got a good set of thoughts about praying (communing?) to/with the dead.
Good site, and I like to one post, to be aware of: Cheryl Schatz.
1. The Pope and Islam.
2. Good interview with one of our favorite artists, Fernando Ortega. (And I know Karen’s done an interview, too.)
3. Rangel contends if we had a draft we might not go to war so easily. Anyone followed this discussion during Rangel’s career?
4. Daniel Sharples has a nice start to a memoir.
5. What I like most about the emerging movement is that it is being appreciated and implemented and adjusted and critiqued almost everywhere. Here’s a good one from Mark Devine (and the previous one he gets after me a bit — nicely though).
6. Good scan of “missional apologetics.” (HT: Matt Stone)
7. Nice post by Ted on the challenge of love and being gracious.
8. Thanks to Tony and Jess.
9. That’s the car I drive (mine’s got 110K miles on mine).
10. Good post at Blind Beggar on “Third Place.” (HT: Steve McCoy)
On our walk yesterday, Kris and I spotted two migrating Buffleheads.
First, the worst dressed teams in sports. Lots of hockey teams show up. Notice that golfers have to be rated as the best-dressed professional athletes.
Second, nice to see those NCAA basketball games in full swing now. Marquette beats Duke.

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