Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings April 21, 2007

This has been a busy week for me: last weekend we were in DC at St. Matthew’s (Sterling, VA) and Thursday evening I began teaching my first class (Galatians) at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield PA. Today we are involved with John Franke in an emerging event at the seminary. The blog has not gotten as much as attention as it otherwise might have.

Keep your eyes on JR Woodward’s blog about the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Discipline and devotion: Chicago Tribune interview. This journalist did a nice job finding young folks now practicing fixed-hour prayer.
I hope you read Brad Boydston’s blog.
Missional small groups.
If you need some comic relief, check out this video clip on how to read a book. (HT: Fr Rob)
1. Art work: Dan Gilliam.
2. Robin Dugall weighs in on The Secret.
3. The Lord is my helper.
4. Pastoral care for the grieving.
5. Is postmodernity good news? If you are in the area, David Fitch is leading a seminar on this question.
6. Zach Roberts‘ reflection on VA Tech.
7. Marko’s comments on the Caputo-Kearney emergent/philosophical conversation. And I like Marko’s new picture of The Fam.
8. Bob Robinson’s series on Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis.
9. Thanks Mark.
10. And the final link today — and deserving of being near the top — is Ed’s sensitivity for racial issues involved in the VT murders.
This says it all for the Cub fan.

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