Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings July 28, 2007

Chicago, it’s my kind of town!

I’d like to advertise two events where we (Kris and I) will be, one near Raleigh in Efland, North Carolina (Oct 11-13) with Zach Roberts and Tripp Fuller and the Southeast Emergent group. This will be major conversation on atonement with two other theologians at Camp Chestnut Ridge.
The second, Oct 19-20, is in Austin, TX, and I will be the host of a public conversation about emerging theology with Doug Pagitt, Dan Kimball, Danielle Schroyer and John Burke.
Is there a third way? I think so.
Best thing I read all week on the internet. (HT: DR)
Two excellent short reflections on combative vs. joyful-generous orthodoxy by Dave Dunbar. (Read Vol. 1, nos. 6 and 7.)
The Wikiklesia book, Voices of the Virtual World, in which some of us participated is now available for download — written or audio.
Eugene Cho has good reflections on the situation of the Koreans in Afghanistan — sorry for this not to be in my top list but it got too long.
Art and the Evangelical.
Barna, Individualism, and Self-Image — which didn’t say much about individualism.
1. Pulled over by the police?
2. Is this you?
3. Do you have a “personal relationship with Jesus”? Trevin Wax questions the language.
4. Starbs says it has to raise prices.
5. Christ in Harry Potter? Bob Smietana has a nicely-written piece.
6. Is the next buzz word “solitude”? Are we fast approaching the day when this will be our biggest need? Has it already arrived?
7. Ave Maria University and City — some early scuffles in an attempt to build Catholictown. Reminds me of Zion IL’s origins.
8. Jessica the Hippo, adopted by a South African family, and now the darling of the family.
9. Alcoholism … “That’s because researchers are learning that alcoholism, like addiction to narcotics, causes permanent changes to the brain that can at best be ameliorated but never permanently undone.”
10. I bet you can’t read this without smiling.
11. Shopping for an ethical bra.
12. Reason or faith?
How ’bout dem Cubs!
Piniella’s our fella.
I agree with Bob Costas and admire his courage to speak up.

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