One Village Coffee

One Village Coffee November 14, 2007

Scott Hackman and the good folks at One Village Coffee have shaped a missional business of fair trade coffee. Here are their words: “One Village Coffee has partnered with Opportunity International to support micro finance projects in Indonesia. 10% of total Sumatra coffee sales will go to support Opportunity clients in Indonesia. Purchase a bag of our Sumatra coffee today and make a difference in the lives of the poor.”

They are involved in supporting the poorest of the poor in Egypt with Stephen’s Children, the Katumoi Water project in Kenya, and the MAMA project in Honduras. Did I mention this stuff tastes great too? Right now we are drinking Smart Blend — fair trade, organic — because I’ve got some papers to write this week for some academic meetings. And we really like the Colombia blend. (And the site was designed by another missional Christian in Philly, Todd Hiestand.)

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