SBL! November 17, 2007

This weekend I’m in San Diego at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. Last year Kris went with me and it was a revelation. She couldn’t believe how “nerdy” the professors were “all tripping over one another getting to the book stalls.” Well, she’s right.

The highlights each year are always the same:
1. Seeing academic friends.
2. Perusing the new books in biblical studies.
3. Hearing academic papers or giving academic papers.
I’m involved in two sessions this year: on Friday I respond to three who have read Jesus and His Death. Mark Strauss, Darrell Bock, and Nick Perrin take shots at my ideas.
On Saturday morning I’m involved with Tony Jones and Diana Butler Bass in a session on the emerging movement.
And, of course, meeting with publishers and friends.

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