Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings July 5, 2008

This is what we turn to in the heat of Chicago…

Kris follows Mark’s blog and glad he has a recent update.
Jim Martin reflecting.
Yes, I think he’s right: the election will shift soon to the economic issues.
John Frye’s posts a good one on Jesus and Context.
Mr. Thabo Mbekei, say something, do something.
The story of Beatrice; reminded me of the story of the book Unbowed.
Semper Vita is now live.
Radical Christians on the road.
A tough, but right, review of Viola’s book by Ben Witherington.
Maybe this is the beast of Revelation?
Here’s a way to beat the gas prices…
Suddenly, watermelon sales … especially in Florida.
An emerging pastor, who dresses up in emerging gear and not a collar, advocating uniforms for school kids. Well, Eugene …
Read this piece on chilling red wines for no other reason than the prose. (No “Amen” from this blog, but Mr. Asimov, I’ll surely read you the next time I see your tagline.)
1. A good piece on torture.
2. Obama’s suggested (perhaps) tax plans.
3. When the buck stops with her.
4. Is there a lack of romanza in Italy?
5. This looks cool, and I’m sure the Italians would love it, but I’m not so sure I’d want a teenager on it.
6. Obama’s getting money from whom? David Brooks analyzes Obama’s donors.
7. I’m sorry, but the title of this story is appropriate.
8. Are you into fonts?
9. Are professors becoming increasingly more moderate and less radical?
10. I just hope the new milk jugs fit in our refrigerator’s door shelf.
WSJ on churches.
Speaking of churches, how many sermons will be built on how chaos makes us vulnerable by reading the story of the Colombian Escape? (Lots.) Yes, it was a great story and that picture of mother, daughter, and son is a great one.
The Cubs are smellin’ up the place right now. Pitching isn’t consistent; relievers are struggling; hitting isn’t timely. And they are on the road and are now in St. Louis. Not a good time to pull through the arches. Hey, St Louis has a great zoo; maybe they ought to go out there and visit it. Take their mind off their smelly road trip.
Check out this catch by the ball girl:
In Chicago, our motto is “vote early, vote often.” Major League Baseball has trumped even Chicago because even if that is our motto, we don’t advertise it. I was on the Cubs site the other day; you can vote for the All Star team; it clearly states you can vote 25 times! Good grief, doesn’t MLB know how to be discreet? I voted once.

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