
Aksel-ography October 27, 2008

This weekend Kris and I flew out to see Lukas, Annika and our new grandson, Aksel. We always enjoy their quaint village, filled as it is with unique Victorian homes and the aroma of Concord grapes hanging in the air. It was also good to see Annika’s mom and dad, Gordie and Marleen Nelson, and to see two of our former NPU students, Jay and Betsy Baehr, and their son, Mathis. Here are two pictures of Aksel:

aks.jpg akscot.jpg
Kris was with them last weekend but Aksel has changed so much. Infants primary preoccupation, other than eating and sleeping, seems to be filtering the barrage of information from this world and making sense of it. Kris reads to him every morning, and I taught him the Jesus Creed in Hebrew. He’s a cute little guy and we had a wonderful time with him (and them).
The “Main Diner” — a little restaurant downtown.

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