Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings February 21, 2009

Swiss.jpgOK, it’s Switzerland and not Chicago, but we get that kind of snow at times. Too bad for Arizona and sunny Southern California and Texas and Florida. There’s something beautiful about snow (now go away).

Tamara Buchan‘s lesson in airports is a good reminder for those of us who travel (and get delayed). Another pastor, Rob Bell gives a good reminder about forgiveness. Todd Hiestand has a good reminder about fear and hope. Derek Leman‘s reflections on the throne vision of Revelation 4. Read it slowly. Bill Mounce reflects on the language needed for blogging. Telford Work gets after the green Bible. Peggy continues her series…. take a good look at it. JR Woodward has a very good series on environmentalism, now complete, and one worth your pondering.

Pete Enns, a friend, has a nice post at Ken Schenk’s site (another friend), that compares Reformed confessionalism and the Nazarene, Wesleyan community where he and his family have worshiped/fellowshiped the last seven years. Along the same line, did you see the conversation at iMonk’s site about the NeoReformed posts of mine? Thanks Michael for your wisdom in these matters.

Here is a series by “T” that will be well worth watching and entering.

Happy Birthday to Luke (and a great little pic of Aksel).

Thoes.jpgCongrats to this wonderful student of ours, Kelly Thoes. No one deserves more honor than Kelly.

John Frye has a new and hilarious set of new theological terms. Speaking of terms, Stanley Fish examines the terms of academic freedom: “What I have been trying to say is that while academic work is different

— it’s not business, it’s not medicine, it’s not politics — and while
the difference should be valued, academic work should not be put into a
category so special that any constraints on it, whether issuing from
university administrators or from the state as an employer, are
regarded as sins against morality, truth and the American Way.”

Nice news about the Holmgrens and NPU. Nice news about coffee too.

After making fun of blogs and blogging for years, Jarrett Stevens is now blogging. Starting is easier than hanging on brother. Bell’s Two Hearted IPA and we should also mention Rick’s favorite.

Who is President Obama’s favorite theologian? Listen to this interview with Krista Tippett to hear. (HT: TG)

Who is your favorite preacher? A friend sent me a link to Adam Hamilton (who wrote a book we blogged through), and he sent it to me because Adam mentioned Jesus Creed, but I listened to the whole — Third Way preacher. I love his line: The difference is asking “what will happen to me if I stop to help?” vs. “what will happen to him if I don’t stop to help?” Watch the whole thing; the ending is dramatic.

If you are the kind of leader who doesn’t quite fit the typical leadership models, check out Tony Myles.

NoseBlow.jpg1. New Health news about blowing your nose.
2. The French are using civil unions for male-female relationships so there are now three levels: free unions (cohabitation), civil unions (of all sorts), and marriage.
3. Jonah Goldberg thinks the new economic proposal is an “adhocracy.”
4. Did you see this one by David Brooks?
5. I agree with Al Mohler: “The brutal reality is that when government money flows, government regulation inevitably follows.” This is an issue worth monitoring closely.
6. The mummy CT scan is a fascinating story.
7. The audacity to hope for education.
8. An interesting chart on religious affiliation and acceptance of evolution; I’d love to see a longitudinal chart on this one.
9. Twitter and tweets.


Wie.jpgOur niece, Katie Norman, is a hoopster at Freeport HIgh School (yes, she’s a Pretzel), and they are favored in the Illinois High School 3A basketball tournament.

President Obama may visit the Cubs spring training camp and I’m hoping he’ll use some of that stimulus package to enhance the Cubs! He could buy the whole Cuban team with that money.

Kris and I watched Angela Stanford outduel Michelle Wie in the final round of the women’s tournament in Hawaii. It was sure nice to see the youngster, Michelle Wie, fight to the bitter end.

Speaking of women’s sports, there is absolutely no justification for the Women’s Tennis Association to have tolerated the UAE banning of permission for an Israeli tennis player from entering the country for the tournament. The only solution is to cancel the event.

Tiger is ready, so says one of his best friends.

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