An Announcement: Want to Write for the Jesus Creed?

An Announcement: Want to Write for the Jesus Creed? March 3, 2009

Kris and I have been talking about this one and we are making a shift that I think will make this blog even better. I’ve been doing a series for a couple of years called “Friday is for Friends” and it usually is about a book I think we could all read … well, I’m not satisfied with the discussions so we’re going to change. Here’s the proposal: we are inviting you, our blog readers, to submit pieces to post on Fridays.

So, now Friday is “for friends” means “Friday is for our blog reading friends who want to generate a conversation about something.” I don’t know how this will work, but you can find my e-mail to the right, send me something you’d like posted, and we’ll look it over and see if it will work. We will have several folks look at the posts so it won’t just be my own lights. Shoot for 250-500 words; I’ll do some editing; etc.. About what? Anything you think our blog community might enjoy.

Big key: Ask a good question or two? In fact, we discovered that our best posts are those that are oriented toward the question.

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