Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings March 28, 2009
Chicago’s Spring evokes hope!


A friend of mine, Dana Del George, has a new book for children whose parents are divorced. Take a good look at it: The Queen of Fire and the King of Ice

A blog worth watching: Practicing Church.

Yowza, this is awful.
The Pete Enss WTS saga continues. The lines are being drawn for splitting up the evangelical movement and collapsing the coalition.
Karl Barth, online, free. (Is this link working?)
Tony weighs on the Book Expo.
Tim Keel’s response is better than the rejection of church crowd.

Here‘s a moving story to read. So he quit going to conferences! John Frye! Dan Kimball! If you don’t know what “FB” stands for and want to know if “FB” is changing culture, check this out. Either it is the rocks praising or the kids telling us to listen. Speaking of listening, I think I could listen in this place. And, Don, you might like this from LL Barkat. African Tom has a good way of reshaping an old question. Glad to see Tamara Buchan weighed in on this one.

Are those Scandinavians all that happy? Check out Brooks. (HT: AK)

Aruba.jpgTop ten features on Church websites. (HT: TD)

Talk about features: Did you see this one?

One of the most challenging features I’ve read in some time. On leisure, pleasure, the purpose of life, Europe and USA — whether you like it or not, an articulate challenge.

1. Kris prefers organic. How about you?
2. Tips on leadership from leaders.
3. Story on forgiveness.
4. The future of fish.
5. Is this the future journalism? In important ways, yes.
6. Red meat and life expectancy.
7. Good set of images about ecology.
8. Did you see this piece by Tony Blair on faith?
9. There is some serious criticism that Notre Dame has President Obama speaking at commencement. In my estimation: alongside of protesting his view of abortion, I recommend that those who are vocal here hold our President to his words about reducing abortion and that they push for him to show that his Presidency is doing just that.
10. Catholic churches closing, esp in Cleveland.


Other than Opening Day and the World Series, and any game in which the Cubs play, March Madness is the big event in sports … and this weekend, the Sweet Sixteen, is the best weekend of all.

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