Four Educational Myths

Four Educational Myths April 8, 2009

UofC.jpgCharles Murray famously spends time deconstructing the myths of public education. He’s not always right, he’s usually politically incorrect, but he’s always worth listening to — especially if you are a public educator.

With civility, what do you think (honestly) of his four myths/truths?

His newest book, Real Education: Four Simple Truths for Bringing America’s Schools Back to Reality

, examines four myths. Actually, he proposes four truths:

Myth 1: All students are the same.
Truth 1: Ability varies from student to student.

Myth 2: All students are good students.
Truth 2: Half of the students are below average.

Myth 3: Everyone should go to college.
Truth 3: Too many students are going to college.

Myth 4: America’s future is secure, in spite of educational disarray.
Truth 4: America’s future depends on how we educate the academically gifted.

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