Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings August 15, 2009
Steve McCoy, pastor at Doxa Fellowship, is also a great photographer
and this one of summer lightning is amazing:

This NYTimes article, which I missed when it came out, really helped me understand the pragmatics of Obamacare. (HT: K)

LaVonne Neff’s letter to Congress. Jarrod McKenna, one of the Bonhoeffer Four in Australia. Brian McLaren asks evangelical Christians to demonstrate a more civil union and discourse. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson urges us to remember Hiroshima accurately. LL Barkat on the pastor as a poet.

How to start a Q cafe. “The problem with youth today.” The kingdom is day to day stuff, like this.

Twitter.jpgDan and Becky Kimball on the need to read the Bible — for yourself. (Did you see Dan’s story about his church and home?) Nancy Ortberg on how to tap into your team to create momentum now. Tom Smith on his calling, and this entry reminds me that Tom’s post is what many of the earliest “weblogs” were — one’s journal, now open. The On Faith blog: “Does God tweet?” (HT: JM via Twitter) Ed Hird’s fascinating factoids about a well-known children’s song. (HT: MrDN) Greg Carey surveyed professors about teaching methods and how they’ve changed.

Axis has a blog and asked me to contribute a monthly column. Saletan’s column on the “evolution of God” is informative and fair-minded. Manya Brachear’s column on why she didn’t cover an extreme religious news story.

A reflection by Dan Reid about the career of Geoffrey Bromiley. Fr Rob and his photographs of stuff he sees in his yard — always worth a daily stop. iMonk on the Protestant, evangelical liturgy.

Incredible, telling comment: “They gave it to God; we gave it to Google.”
Here’s a fun story. (HT: JM via Twitter)
Volt or Prius?
Economics is not natural science.

Fatal flaws of blogging.

One more: good review of Jerram Barr’s new book on women.

1. Not sure what to say, but it’s worth the read …
2. Glad to see more US support in South Africa.
3. The future of newspapers. (HT: OY) The future of textbooks. The future of cars.
4. Male violence against women: Bob Herbert.
5. Mouse opulence.
6. Did you see Krauthamer’s theories for health care reform? I’ve heard more than one person say “tort reform” and, as I see it, his thesis about job-provided insurance may not be the wisest of systems. (The employed uninsured will not, from what I can tell, be helped by Krauthamer’s theory.)
7. The future for statisticians.
8. Exercise and losing weight.
9. Escape from Dubai — quite the story.
10. The value of a life.


Tiger.jpgI’m cheering for Tiger this weekend in the PGA, but last weekend brought him his 70th.

There was a dust-up about how slowly Woods and Harrington were playing, and they were warned on the 16th hole to pick it up. If they didn’t, they’d each be fined 5 grand (big whoop for them) and assessed a one-stroke penalty. The story is that it led Harrington to rush himself and probably contributed to his triple bogey. Golf is about rules and a rule is a rule – but we were watching a wonderful battle and it is too bad some official stuck his nose into the entertainment side of golf.

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