Saturday Mail: Would you miss it?

Saturday Mail: Would you miss it? August 17, 2009

Mailman.jpgDid you see this piece on There’s a movement to end Saturday mail. But, would you miss it?

On this sultry weekend in the middle of August, take a look at what’s on your kitchen counter.

Or maybe you’ve left it on top of the wooden table in your front hallway.

Or tossed it onto the chair next to the couch in your living room.

Chances are it may still be there:


Saturday mail — the bills, magazines, promotional fliers, and maybe a
few actual letters that showed up in your mailbox as always this
weekend, and that you haven’t quite gotten around to dealing with yet.

Look at it closely, because soon enough, it may be gone.

Not this weekend’s envelopes and magazines specifically.

But the Saturday mail itself.

It has been a counted-on part of American life, something as certain as the sun coming up in the morning, and it seems to be on its way to extinction.

you’re not aware of this, you’re really not to blame. Other
high-decibel and seemingly more urgent stories have dominated the news
this summer.

Yet this jarring potential change in the nation’s
social fabric — the possibility that you will no longer have your mail
delivered to you on Saturdays — is more than hazy theorizing.

postmaster general of the United States, John E. Potter, has gone to
Congress and officially asked for permission to do away with Saturday

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