Weekly Meanderings

Weekly Meanderings March 20, 2010


The best looking little Adidas SuperStar shoes I’ve ever seen! Aksel brings them to you, first thing in the morning, as a not-so-subtle hint that he’s ready to go outside. (And, if you have eyes to see, his shirt says “My Grandpa Rules!”)
New website/blog: women church planters.
Beautiful post; read it carefully and drop CAS a line of support.
Urban youth workers — Do you know ReLoad?
New posts on evangelism and apologetics at Slant 33.
Lynn Cohick responds to Al Mohler on the Titanic vs. Lusitania facts.
Jason Byassee responds to a new book on checklists.
LaVonne Neff on Anne Lamotte’s newest.
On self-consciousness, especially for a minister, by Jim Martin.
On pondering what an atheist experienced at Vintage Faith church, by Dan Kimball.
Make sure you read the whole piece by John Stackhouse.
Brett McCracken on why we watch movies:We all agree movies allow us to escape–and there’s value in that–but it’s more than simple escapism. Movies take us to places we’ve never been and inside the skin of people quite different from ourselves. They offer us a window onto the wider world, broadening our perspective and opening our eyes to new wonders.”
Check this out.

It’s OK, come on out little fella.

Meanderings in the News
WindTurb.jpg1. An analysis of the economic interests in the Tea Party. And an analysis of Senator Franken.
2. On tickling.
3. Wind turbine debate in the heart of the heartland.
5. On helping Haiti and how helping might not be helping.
6. Privacy … and the internet.
7. Healthier food, yes, and I support the proposal that the American public needs to respond to Michelle Obama’s plea for our children: “Parents, teachers and government officials are all responsible, she said, but the food industry has a special role to play.”
8. On trying to convert Muslims by stressing commonalities.
9. David Brooks on sympathy: “As a result of this sympathy and these sentiments, people are usually pretty decent to one another when they relate person to person. The odd thing is that when people relate group to group, none of this applies. When a group or a nation thinks about another group or nation, there doesn’t seem to be much natural sympathy, natural mimicry or a natural desire for attachment. It’s as if an entirely different part of the brain has been activated, utilizing a different mode of thinking.” And: “Political leaders have an incentive to get their followers to use the group mode of cognition, not the person-to-person. People who are thinking in the group mode are loyal, disciplined and vicious against foes. People in the person-to-person mode are soft, unpredictable and hard to organize.”
10. William Saletan: “Maybe this is just a weird story about a sick couple on the other side of the planet. But look in the mirror. Every time you answer your cell phone in traffic, squander your work day on YouTube, text a colleague during dinner, or turn on the TV to escape your kids, you’re leaving this world. You’re neglecting the people around you, sometimes at the risk of killing them.”

Meanderings in Sports
Who will win the NCAA Basketball tournament? (I mean the Men’s tournament since UConn will win the Women’s.)
The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS ITEM OF THE WEEK about sports? Graduation rates of teams in the NCAA tournament.

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