Now Brewing: Ruta Maya

Now Brewing: Ruta Maya March 21, 2010


When we were down in Katy Texas, Marlin Fenn introduced me to Ruta Maya coffee, and he was kind enough to send me a bag of beans. Organic, medium roast — and very good. The coffee company is out of Austin Texas, and they are committed to “fair” trade and helping out the farmers of Latin America. Shade-grown, no fertilizers etc. 
Let’s give it up again for the local roasters who are committed to ecological health. Go ahead, let’s hear some shout-outs for the locals.
I’m brewing Ruta Maya now and, as always, making it into a latte. It’s got just a hint of some citrus, mostly full and chocolatey and tasty. I like it a lot. If I were a Texan, and lived near a Ruta Maya stop, it would be my regular.

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