
WikiLeaks November 28, 2010

Do you think the WikiLeaks actions are good for world peace? Why or why not?

John Kerry comments on the WikiLeaks:

Sen. John Kerry the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called the disclosure “reckless.”

“This is not an academic exercise about freedom of information and it is not akin to the release of the Pentagon Papers, which involved an analysis aimed at saving American lives and exposing government deception,” Kerry, D-Massachusetts, said in a written statement.

“Instead, these sensitive cables contain candid assessments and analysis of ongoing matters and they should remain confidential to protect the ability of the government to conduct lawful business with the private candor that’s vital to effective diplomacy,” the statement said.

Communications between countries and diplomats at all levels will be forever altered.

Julian Assange simply doesn’t care about security issues for Western democracies. The irony is that he lives and dwells in a country that made his very actions possible because of the virtues of Western democracies. Those who have the most to benefit from his actions are those who would never tolerate what he is doing.

Revelation of what goes on will be an eye-opening exercise on international realities.

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