Near Death Experiences

Near Death Experiences January 18, 2011

From Patheos, a clip of a piece on a near-death experience by Marcia Morrissey:

Trying to comfort Sally, I related my own near-death story.  When I was 20 years old, I was in a diabetic coma.  I had an experience that—even though I have faced my mortality a few times since—has never been repeated.  While in the coma I had no knowledge of what was going on around me in the ER, but was very much aware of what was happening to me; my mind was extremely clear, and I knew that I was dying.

I felt as if I was floating in a bright, very comforting light, and I could hear a type of musical sound—not like anything I have ever heard here on earth before.  I felt a “peace” descend upon me that I had never experienced, before or since. The word “peace” is inadequate; it doesn’t even come close to describing what I felt—the “peace that passes all understanding.”

With calm reasoning, I made a sort of mental list—the pros and cons of whether to go on, or to go back.  I didn’t hear any voices, or see anyone during this experience, but I “felt” the presence of God….

Those of you who know Phyllis Tickle may know she had a similar experience and her response is the same: she’s never feared death since. She tells her story in The Shaping of a Life: A Spiritual Landscape.

Has anyone studied this? Any stories to tell?

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