Young Adults and One.Life

Young Adults and One.Life February 3, 2011

We got some encouraging news recently. At least four college campuses have informed us that they will be using One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow — some in classes and others in small groups — and three different 20/30something Bible studies wrote recently to say they will be going through the book chapter by chapter.

We were encouraged that Relevant both reviewed it and then grabbed an excerpt on vocation for its online viewers, and now a few more 20/30something publications are picking up portions of the book.

The biggest shift in the church is occurring among those young adults who want to see a kingdom vision of how to be a “Christian” or how to be a “follower of Jesus.” What they are aching for is a reconceptualization of life itself along kingdom lines — and we hope One.Life will help us all sort out our priorities.

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