What Women Want (in a President)

What Women Want (in a President) May 19, 2011

That is, what conservative women want in a President:

From the stance of a conservative woman, however, there is a list of qualities that must be present in the next president.

1. Honesty and integrity are key.
We don’t want a man — or woman — who isn’t honest or who will be questioned at every turn as to whether or not he is telling the truth. So we have to be able to trust that the next president is going to tell the truth, be honest and forthright, and never give the American people a reason to doubt their word. There has got to be an inner moral compass.

2. Women want fidelity in the next president.
He needs to be faithful to the Constitution and the American people. We don’t need someone who bashes this great nation to other countries or goes on “apology tours.”

3. Our next president also has to have some common sense. It may seem like an obvious attribute, but the way in which the president conducts his personal life and makes policy decisions gives important insight into whether or not he has good judgment and common sense. What, or Who, guides his decisions? Hopefully it’s not poll numbers but rather a well-formed moral compass.

4. A good team. In a marriage, husbands and wives have different strengths and weaknesses and rely on each other as a counterbalance for the good of the family. Our next president must surround himself with a good team of experienced and smart people who will help make key decisions and give sound advice. Every single person in the president’s inner circle reflects on his own judgment.

5. Modesty and humilty. The president should also be modest and humble, understanding that he is employed by the American people and not special interest groups or extreme agendas. The president should be able to share credit when it is due and not become a black hole of false accolades and ideological legislation.

6. Courage. Finally, women want a president to be courageous and able to make tough decisions, facing down evil and those who want to do harm to our nation. Conservative women want someone who will protect their families and keep them safe so they won’t have to worry about their kids getting on an airplane or taking the train or bus.

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