
Attentiveness September 25, 2011

Deep in our faith is a belief that God is everywhere, and theologians call this the omnipresence of God. Next to that very spot in our faith is something that tells us God is distant, that God is in heaven up there somewhere, that God has to invade space and time in order for us to see God. This combination is toxic for the one who wants to listen to God for if God is distant we have to wait for God to show up.

But our orthodox faith denies the deist option and affirms that God is present always and everywhere, and that God is sustaining all things — everything, like our pepper plants and the air you are breathing right now. That belief, that God is present, sturdies the person who wants to know God and to listen to God.

Tracy Balzer is a person who listens for God and therefore hears God. I posted long ago about her book called Thin Places so I was really happy to hear she now has a book out about listening to God. Well, I saw Tracy and Cary (her husband) at the Aprentis Institute and she gave me a copy of her book. I sat down to read it, read four chapters and decided I had to put it down. It’s not to be read in a hurry but in a more reflective mood. I want to savor each chp. The book did what she wants: it led to some good reflection and so it’s time to put it down for a few more days. Her book is called A Listening Life.

The first four chps are on “Paying Attention,” and includes a story about her experience on a sabbatical where she carved out early time to get away from everything; a chp called “Wonder” where she reflects on the glories of creation; a chp on “Illumination” and anyone who talks about the Book of Kells has my attention; and then “Pain and People” — and it is here that we find a chp that many will resonate with. The singular combination of Cary pastoring a new church in the PacNW, his being discovered to have MS, and her own miscarriage — and she has come out the other side strengthened and more sensitive to the voice of God in this world.

A devotional book for those looking for times of reflection and pondering and praying.

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