Fuller Lecture

Fuller Lecture October 30, 2011

The kind folks at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena invited me to give a lecture on women in ministry, but they also filled up my schedule with a few additional items: including spending a little time with Rich Mouw, the President, and then speaking in chapel on the “Parable from Hell,” and then a conversation with Kara Powell, and then lunch with Kurt Fredrikson, and then I got to speak a bit in Richard Peace’s class, then coffee with my friend Joel Green … then a brief respite … dinner with David Moore and, finally, an evening lecture called “Junia is Not Alone” (here’s a summary).

Yes, that’s a busy day but it was a wonderful day at Fuller, the first time I’ve been at Fuller. I thought I had been there once but nothing looked familiar… so maybe I wasn’t there. What a beautiful place Fuller has become.

David Scholler was once a professor at North Park Theological Seminary, and then finished his career at Fuller before his untimely death, and it was an honor to step into his role at Fuller for a few minutes to give this lecture.  It is customary for such lectures to be posted as MP3s but this lecture will be published as an inexpensive e-book (announcement coming soon) so we asked for the lecture not to be distributed.

I want to thank Kurt and David for looking after me, and to the Fuller Guest House (wow, I was a in a cool, modernized room), and to the students and faculty for this wonderful experience.

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