Missional in Louisiana

Missional in Louisiana January 27, 2012

From Wineskins, an interview by Fred Peatross of John Dobbs (who ministers [“preaches”] in Monroe LA):

Fred: Can you give me your perspective on what a missional church would look like.

John: A missional church may not be recognized so much by it’s Sunday service as it’s Monday – Saturday services. The assembly is affected by the missional viewpoint in terms of message, warmth, and energizing for service. The missional church is less about how to make our one hour a week together a stellar experience, and more about celebrating what God is doing through outreach efforts. A missional church has it’s eyes on service springing from a commitment to Christ with the intention of sharing Christ with others. The missional mindset is not reserved for service only, though.

We must consider ourselves always ‘on mission’ in the workplace, school, marketplace, and home. In all of those places we have opportunities to participate in the answering of prayer without even knowing it. Perhaps someone is asking, seeking, knocking – and we are to be the answer. Devotion, attention to inward matters of the heart, is essential for discipleship.

Worship together is God’s gift of solidarity and lifting up each other. For too many Christians, that is enough. The missional mindset calls on us to allow discipleship and worship (search for holiness) to move us to love those around us in tangible ways (actions of holiness). In my experience it is difficult to get Christians involved in regular, ongoing acts of service. Special events or one-time service projects are easier. For now my emphasis is on being a missionary in the places you already find yourself – rather than projects.

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