Better Off?

Better Off? September 5, 2012

Last week’s GOP convention forced a question upon America, and it is a question Republicans will no doubt press until the election. That question is this:

Are you better off now than in 2008/2009?

Good question and the sort of yardstick that can be used to measure for voting for or against a candidate. has a Money page, and I voted (Kris and I are better off than we were when President Obama was elected), and the chart to the right is the result of the one statistic.

Here’s what I observed: Money readers/voters are much better off than the national average. 

Notice the number: the average household in 2009 brought in 55K; the average household in 2012 brought in 51K.

Which means the average reader/voter is not the average American.

Which leads to this observation — quite unofficial I might say: The average reader leans Democrat.

Does this mean Democrats are better off than the average American?

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