Plane Conversation

Plane Conversation September 21, 2012

A man in my row on a flight from Dallas to Chicago got to laughing about his severely out-of-date (not too smart) phone, which led him to talk about a conversation his wife and daughter had.

Mother: Please ask your boyfriend — never got the name — to tell us what time he is coming for dinner.

Daughter: I will text him.

A few minutes later…

Mother: What did he say?

Daughter: I’m not sure what time he is coming. I’ll text him again.

A few more minutes:

Mother: What did he say?

Daughter: I’m not really sure what time he thinks he’s coming.

Mother, now impatient: Why don’t you just call him?

Daughter: Mo-o-o-o-m, No. That would be SO awkward!

Evidently, the father said to me, talking on the phone now is awkward. Then the father said about all he does on his phone is talk. In fact, he said, at work I tell friends if they want to get to me quickly, call me. I check my e-mail, he said, only 3x per day. When I get to work, maybe at lunch, and then just before I leave. Daughter not like father.

A father with two teenage daughters told me his daughters have 2000+ text messages a month but rarely talk more than 20 minutes per month on the phone. Really?! Yougottabekiddinme!

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