Sexual Abuse Resources

Sexual Abuse Resources October 15, 2012

From a reader of this blog:

I recently was reading through 1-2 Samuel. These books, of course, include the story of the rape of Tamar. I tell others to handle this and similar stories (e.g., Dinah’s rape in Gen 34) with great care when they teach/preach because such stories can stir up pain for victims of sexual abuse within the church and, perhaps, bring such victims to them looking for help.  In this light, I try to give people resources for pastoral counselling for victims of sexual abuse, resources for the pastors themselves to address such issues or ones they can direct the victims to.  However, I am not as familiar with what is available as I should be. I know about the local sexual assault center and services available near us.  But through your blog you are tied into a much larger network. So I’m wondering if we can hear from others about resources for victims of sexual assault and those minister to them.

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