Tat Man QB

Tat Man QB November 30, 2012

See this? Colin Kaepernick, the astounding young QB for the 49ers, is now being criticized for having so many tats on his arms — and they’re mostly Bible verses!

2:15AM EST November 30. 2012 – MODESTO, Calif. — Colin Kaepernick is the new starting quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers thanks to a blend of athleticism and surprising veteran savvy for a second-year player, but some people can’t see beyond the tattoo ink that covers his arms.

That’s because it’s common among NFL players, but rare for a passer.

David Whitley of the Sporting News lobbed criticism at Kaepernick in a column Thursday. Whitley wrote, “NFL quarterback is the ultimate position of influence and responsibility. He is the CEO of a high-profile organization, and you don’t want your CEO to look like he just got paroled.”

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Suffice to say that Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, the parents who adopted Colin as a baby, weren’t happy with the analysis comparing their son to inmates. And they relayed their feelings to USA TODAY Sports.

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